WhatsApp can be used for a lot of things apart from just texting and calling. There’s a way in which you can access important personal documents on WhatsApp, all without having to visit any govt office. MyGov has a service based on WhatsApp chatbots that uses Digilocker to get access to important govt documents. The Digilocker initiative was launched earlier this year, but many users are still unaware of the facilities. Essentially, this new WhatsApp chatbot aims to make it easier for the government to deliver its services. At the same time, users will also get access to all documents they need within a few seconds. All you need to do is access the MyGov Helpdesk chatbot on WhatsApp.
In order to make use of the Digilocker services on WhatsApp
you’ll need to authenticate the account. Once that’s done you can go on to
download documents such as PAN card, driving license, and vehicle registration
certificate, amongst others directly from WhatsApp. The MyGov Helpdesk on
WhatsApp will provide a suite of services to offer support to the citizens.
Through WhatsApp chatbot via Digilocker people can access
PAN card, Driving License, Class X Marksheet, Class XII Marksheet, CBSE Class X
Passing Certificate, Vehicle Registration Certificate (RC), Insurance Policy -
Two Wheeler, Insurance Policy Document (Life and Non-life available on
to get download documents from Digilocker on WhatsApp First,
sign up for a Digilocker account. If you already have one, it gets easier to
get the documents. In order to sign up for it, you’ll need your Aadhaar card
details, mobile number, email ID, and date of birth. In order to access the new
MyGov chatbot you will need to send ‘Namaste’ or ‘Hi’ or ‘Digilocker’ to the
WhatsApp number +91 9013151515. The user will
have to provide their Digilocker account details. The user will have to
enter their Aadhar number. Once you do that, an OTP will be sent on your
registered mobile device. Once you enter the OTP, you’ll be able to download
all the documents or any one that is available in your Digilocker account.