Britannia Marie Gold, the third largest biscuit brand in India, has released a thought-provoking film a day after Women’s Day. The film titled ‘Let’s Keep it Going’ delivers a powerful message around the symbolic effort associated with celebrating women for just a day. The film is conceptualized and created by Mumbai-based advertising agency The Script Room. The campaign film showcases an early morning conversation between two female employees in a corporate - an office help and a manager.
The day after Women’s Day, and the office is strewn with paper plates and napkins from the previous day’s celebrations. Pointing towards the ‘Happy Women’s Day’ banner, the office help asks the manager if it was someone’s birthday at work yesterday. She learns that it was an occasion to celebrate women and their contributions and achievements. While the office help is pleased to hear this, she innocently poses another question to the manager, ‘’Is this only for one day?” This causes the manager to take a brief pause. She ponders over the seemingly simple but significant question and responds with a smile, ‘Maybe not’’.
Mr. Amit Doshi, Chief Marketing Officer, Britannia Industries Limited said, “International Women’s Day plays a major role in commemorating the success stories of women across the globe, and in creating awareness about gender prejudices that exist even today. Britannia Marie Gold, while joining the celebrations, wanted to do something different this year and break the convention of celebrating women just for a day. There shouldn’t be just one occasion to celebrate a woman’s contribution to her work, family, and society, but these thoughts should be re-iterated more often. This is one of the reasons behind releasing the ad film on 9th March as opposed to the conventional date of 8thMarch.The recent film captures the message we want to deliver, and the film will make the viewer smile while also leaving them in introspection.”