Cipla Ltd.’s #BerokZindagi,partners with one of India's leading digital entertainment companies, Pocket Aces, to create multiple sketches for the platform's leading short-form content channel - FilterCopy. By harnessing Pocket Aces' expertise in crafting and amplifying unique stories, Cipla hopes to further the mission of its largest public and patient awareness campaign - dispelling asthma myths, improving inhaler acceptance, and inspiring asthmatics to live a Berok Zindagi (unstoppable life). This partnership marks the pharmaceutical company’s entry into alternative content formats, that usesrelatable storytelling to convey andsubtly reinforce an important message. The first video, 'A Monsoon Romance: When Opposites Attract', premiered today onFilterCopy's YouTube channel.
Link to Watch Ciplax FilterCopy Film: <>
Created in easy-to-consume, snackable and shareable formats, each video will tell a heartwarming 'Slice-of-life' story scripted by the creative team at FilterCopy in collaboration with Cipla.The first premiere is a captivating love story set against the backdrop of the romanticized Mumbai monsoons. It will not only endear audiences but will also shedlight on the fact that monsoons can be triggers for asthmatics. However, through subtle character integrations, the film emphasizes that with proper doctor-prescribed treatment, even those with asthma can enjoy the rainy season to the fullest.All films will be cross amplified through FilterCopy’s social media channels, reaching out to the ‘Digital GECs’22+ million audience and will be available in six languages - Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada.
Achin Gupta, CEO - One India Business, Cipla Ltd. said, “With India contributing almost 42% of global asthma deaths despite accounting for only 13% of the cases worldwide, Asthma continues to be a high burden disease in India affecting both adults and children. Misconceptions about asthma and inhalers contributeto the imbalance in its prevalence and outcomes, but correcting these can significantly improve patients' lives.Over the years Cipla has pushed the boundaries with #BerokZindagi, employing a multitude of creative mediums to help combat misinformation, stigmas, and myths about asthma as well as inhalersand connect with today’s audiences.
By exploring various content formats that touch upon diverse themes our aim is to integrate our message of awareness and inspiration into the cultural fabric of the country, enabling us to reach and resonate with a wide-ranging audience. With this partnership, Berok Zindagi moves beyond being just an awareness campaign, but to a movement that aims to transform perceptions and improve the lives of those living with asthma.”