Motorola, India’s best 5G smartphone brand, announced the launch of its latest offering in the edge series, the motorola edge 40 neo. It comes in 3 shades Black Beauty, Soothing Sea, and Caneel Bay. The Motorola Edge 40 is priced at Rs 23,999 for 8GB+128GB and Rs 25,999 for 12GB +256GB. However, the phone will be available at a special limited festive season price of just Rs 20,999 for the 8GB+128GB variant and just Rs 22,999 for the 12GB+256GB variant. On 28th September it will be available at Flipkart, Motorola. In and on sale at leading retail stores. Consumers can get upto Rs.1000 offer and exchange bonus.
The motorola edge 40 neo is equipped with the segment’s first IP68 underwater protection. This 172g ultra light and 7.79mm ultra-thin body with a contoured endless edge design makes it exceptionally tactile and provides a great in-hand feel. It comes with144Hz 6.55” pOLED curved display, 10-bit colour and DCI-P3, 1300nits of peak brightness, dual stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos, boasting the World’s 1st MediaTek Dimensity 7030 lightning-fast processor which is a 6nm chipset, MediaTek HyperEngine game Technology features.
It also comes with 50MP Ultra Pixel Night Vision primary camera, Auto Night Vision technology, Instant All-Pixel Focus technology for 32x more focusing pixels, 13MP secondary camera, 32MP selfie camera with quad-pixel technology , Horizon Lock Stabilization, Video Portrait, Audio Zoom, and Vlog Mode for users to explore their creativity without boundaries. The device comes equipped with a massive 5000mAh battery with a 68W TurboPower fast charger included in the box, charging the battery to 50% in just 15 minutes. The motorola edge 40 neo's software capabilities are as impressive as its hardware. Its numerous software offerings such as Family Space, Moto Secure, and My UX give users an optimized smartphone experience that users can customize. While the device runs on Android 13 with no bloatware and Motorola has assured 2 OS upgrades and 3 years of security upgrades.
Mr. Prashanth Mani, Executive Director - Motorola Asia Pacific, said, "We are excited to launch the Motorola Edge 40 Neo in India, which showcases our dedication to cutting-edge technology and innovation. This impressive device sets new standards with its segment-first features across design, display, battery life, and performance We are certain that this smartphone will set new benchmarks and encourage users to explore new levels of creativity, connectivity, and convenience."