Wynk Studio foray into movie distribution

 Wynk Music, India’s number 1 music streaming app by downloads and daily active users, announced that Wynk Studio, India’s largest music distribution ecosystem, has won the distribution rights to Kay Kay Menon’s starrer “Love All”, a movie based on the life of badminton superstar, P Gopichand.

“Love All” is produced by Mahesh Bhatt and P Gopichand along with Anand Pandit. It will be released by M Ramesh’s Laxmi Ganpathy Film Studios on September 01. Directed by Sudhanshu Sharma, the movie also features Swastika Mukherjee, Robin Das, Shrishwara, Atul Srivastava and Raja Bundela. The movie has five memorable tracks, which are already available on Wynk.  

Speaking about the distribution arrangement, Adarsh Nair, CEO - Airtel Digital and Chief Product Officer - Airtel, said, “Wynk Studio was established with the vision of offering independent artists a creative outlet which would also help them with any monetisation and discovery issues they might face. We have had great success with independent artists and have 1000 artists on our roster at present. This distribution partnership will open new vistas for producers looking to explore digital distribution and wanting to capitalise on Airtel’s inherent strengths of reach and connectivity.”

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