HDFC Bank, India’s leading private sector bank, today organised a Grameen Loan Mela at Trichy, Tamil Nadu, in yet another outreach to its customers residing in rural pockets. The mela was attended by over 7,000 people across eight districts and 40 tehsils from Trichy and the adjoining districts of Tamil Nadu.
The Bank has been hosting loan melas across the country to target underserved customer segments, including small and marginal farmers, millet and sugarcane farmers, dairy farmers, traders, and commission agents, among a few.
Mr Rahul Shyam Shukla, Group Head – Commercial and Rural Banking, HDFC Bank said, “HDFC Bank is bridging the urban-rural divide by expanding its branch network in the hinterland. Through the loan mela in Trichy, we want to reach in the rural vicinities and make credit accessible to all the underserved customer segments in Tamil Nadu. We provide comprehensive financial solutions that will enable customers to purchase equipment, products as well as the services they want. Through our extensive network, we not only create jobs but also bolster trade, bringing numerous individuals and businesses into the formal banking fold. Our larger aim is to contribute to the overall development of Tamil Nadu.”