Motorola, India’s best 5G smartphone brand has announced the last chance to buy its smartphones at massively discounted prices, ahead of the Flipkart Big Diwali Sale. As of 1st November, Flipkart Plus members now have early access to purchase most of the smartphones across the motorola edge, moto g, and moto e series, at incredibly attractive Big DiwaliSale prices.
The world’s slimmest 5G smartphone with an IP68 rating, the motorola edge 40, is available at an incredible price of Rs. 26,999. Further strengthening Motorola’s 5G portfolio, the moto g54 5G will be available at just Rs. 13,999 and Rs. 15,999 for 8+128 GB and 12+256 GB variants respectively. India’s most affordable smartphone within-built 8GB RAM & 128GB storage, the moto e13 (8+128gb) is available at a discounted price of Rs.7,499. Consumers can now purchase the motorola edge 40 neo 8+128gb and 12+256gb at a starting price of Rs. 22,999 & Rs.24,999, Moto g84 5G will be available for Rs. 18,999 and the moto G14 (4+128gb) will be available at discounted price of Rs.8,499.