Baweja Studios Ltd, a legacy content production studio known for its dynamic quality of film-making and innovative storytelling practice is planning to raise up to Rs. 97.20 crore from its SME public issue. The company has received approval to launch its public issue on NSE Emerge Platform of National Stock Exchange. The public issue opens for subscription on January 29 and closes on February 1.
The Proceeds of the public issue will be utilised to fund the company's expansion plans including meeting working capital requirements and general corporate purposes. Fedex Securities Pvt Ltd is the book running lead manager of the issue
The initial public offering of 54 lakh equity shares of face value Rs. 10 each comprises a fresh issue of 40 lakh equity shares and an offer for sale of 14 lakh equity shares. Company has a fixed price band of Rs. 170-180 per equity share for the public issue (including a premium of Rs. 160-170 per equity share). The company plans to raise up to Rs. 97.20 crore from the public issue at the higher price band of Rs. 180 per share. Minimum lot size for the application is 800 shares which translates into investment of Rs. 1.44 lakh per application. Retail investor and HNI quota for the IPO is kept at not less than 35% and 15% of the issue respectively while QIB quota is kept at a maximum 50% of the issue.
Company has reported excellent operational and financial performance over years. The Company has witnessed a growth in revenue of over 3 times during the Fiscal 2021 to Fiscal 2023 from Rs. 19.45 crore in FY21 to Rs. 73.79 crore in FY23. Net Profit for FY23 was reported at Rs. 7.97 crore. As on 30th September 2023, Net Worth of the company at Rs. 24.22 crore and Reserves & Surplus at Rs. 9.79 crore. ROE of the company is 40.12%, ROCE at 52.55%. Shares of the company will be listed on NSE’s Emerge platform.
"We are thrilled to embark on this exciting journey with our stakeholders and investors. The IPO is a testament to our commitment to pushing creative boundaries and setting new production standards," said Harman Baweja, of Baweja Studios Limited. "The capital raised will empower us to explore new horizons, nurture talent, and continue delivering exceptional content to a global audience."