Hamsadhwani, a passionate group of music enthusiasts hailing from Bengaluru, proudly announced the successful culmination of their highly anticipated sixth edition musical event at the scenic RKN Beach Resort in Pondicherry.
The event attracted a diverse array of talented singers from prominent cities including Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Coimbatore. A total of 99 singers captivated the audience and their families with renditions of popular songs from various South Indian language movies, making it an unforgettable experience for all in attendance.
This year's edition marked another milestone for Hamsadhwani, building upon the success of its previous five editions. Over the past five years, the event has garnered widespread acclaim, drawing more than 150 passionate singers from cities such as Chennai and Bangalore to partake in the musical festivities.
Hamsadhwani’s annual gathering has become a much-anticipated highlight for music lovers in and around Bengaluru and Chennai, serving as a vibrant platform for artists to showcase their talent and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of South Indian music.