Jawa Yezdi Motorcycles is set to extend its highly successful Mega Service Camp to Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Following multiple successful service camps across states, the four-day event will take place in Chennai from March 7th to March 10th, exclusively catering to Jawa motorcycle owners of the 2019 and 2020 models in the region. As per the release, the service camp will be held at Rajkamal Motors - Door No. 135, No.19, Mount Road, Little Mount, Saidapet, Chennai, Tamilnadu - 600015, JMB Motors - No.57, D.N.Complex, Lakshmi Talkies Road, Near Billroth Hospital,Shenoy Nagar, Chennai, Tamilnadu -600030 and Max Scooters And Bikes - Door No. 96A, 18th Cross Street, New Colony (Near Govt Hospital), Chrompet, Chennai, Tamilnadu - 600044.
As part of the camp, owners of 2019-2020 Jawa motorcycles are entitled to a comprehensive vehicle health check-up and a free replacement of select parts. Leading original equipment suppliers, including Motul, Amaron, and Ceat Tyres, will be actively participating to assist customers. In a continued commitment to long-term customer satisfaction, Jawa Yezdi Motorcycles is offering complimentary extended warranties based on the motorcycles' health evaluation. Additionally, a designated zone will be set up for owners interested in upgrading their motorcycles to assess the exchange value.
Building on the success of previous service camps, which serviced over 1000 Jawa motorcycles, the brand will be announcing Mega Service Camps across multiple cities in the coming months. This initiative underscores the brand's commitment to prioritizing customer satisfaction and delivering an unparalleled ownership experience. Owners of Jawa Yezdi Motorcycles are encouraged to reserve their slots at the nearest brand dealership. Don't miss the opportunity to ensure your motorcycle receives top-notch care and experience the commitment to customer satisfaction firsthand.