Haier Appliances India, the No.1 global major appliances brand for 15 consecutive years, has announced the launch of its latest Smart QLED Series S800QT. Designed to elevate the home entertainment experience, the series has a 4K QLED display and comes in 4 sizes 75”,65", 55" and 43”. The all-new QLED series builds with quantum dot technology at its core, the S800QT series delivers an exceptional spectrum of colours, incredibly lifelike visuals, and unmatched clarity with a 4K display.
Taking consumer preferences to heart, Haier India has meticulously crafted the S800QT series to seamlessly blend into modern living spaces. The sleek and elegant metal design exudes sophistication and elevates the overall aesthetics of the series.Starting at a price of INR 38,990, the Haier S800QT QLED series will be available on both online and offline channels.
It comes with Dolby Vision Atmos, Google TV to provides access to a vast range of apps, content, and streaming services, Smooth Gaming Experience with 120Hz Dual Line Gate technology with 2GB RAM and 32GB storage, power-packed with MEMC, Hands-Free Voice Control with Far field technology and Enhance picture quality and detail through advanced micro-dimming technology features.
Mr. NS Satish, President, Haier India, stated, “At Haier, we are dedicated to continuously redefining the home entertainment experience, and with the feature packed S800QT QLED series, we're delivering a harmonious blend of cutting-edge technology and aesthetic finesse. Catering to consumers who seek uncompromised visual brilliance and an immersive cinematic haven in their own homes, Haier India aims to meet the evolving needs and preferences of consumers, offering them an unparalleled home entertainment solution. The launch of the new QLED series highlights our commitment to providing consumers with best-in-class technologically advanced products that combine style and innovation.”