India's leading paint brands, Birla Opus offers an extensive range of 145+ products and 1,200+ SKUs, spanning water-based paints, enamels, wood finishes, and wallpapers, with over 2,300 tintable color options. Birla Opus embarked on a new journey with the inauguration of its first franchise store in Trichy. The store is located at Naveenn Bhaskar Electricals, Dindigul Main Road, Karumandapam, Trichy, 620001.
This store, exclusively dedicated to Birla Opus products, serves as a comprehensive showcase for the brand's diverse range, a range of shades reflecting and celebrating the rich heritage and cultural essence of the region too.
The ownership by a young entrepreneur adds a touch of innovation and ambition, resonating with the spirit of the local community and further enhancing the event's significance. Keeping customer satisfaction high on its agenda, the store is an open experiential platform where customers can walk in, touch and feel textures, look at shade deck, pick their colours and products in consultation with the experts directly.
Mr. Samson Cyril Baskar, Owner of the Franchise Store Birla Opus, said, "I am thrilled about this opportunity as a young entrepreneur to bring Birla Opus’ first franchise store in India to Trichy, a town known for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance. I am convinced that with the superior range across segments that Birla Opus has launched, Trichy residents can now create their own high-quality beautiful spaces in their homes."