Titan Eye plus announces an eye screening program for children upto 14 age in Tamil Nadu with a vision to create awareness about eye health and improve learning outcomes for children. The company is planning to screen over 500 students across Chennai, Madurai and Coimbatore in the Tamil Nadu region. The Tamil NaduTamil Nadu eye screening chapter is part of the All India Eye Screening campaign that is aimed at reaching 11000+ schools across 300+ cities in India.
Myopia amongst children has been on a rise especially post Covid-19 induced high screen exposure and this is an effort by the company to help diagnose such conditions much earlier. Alongside, Titan Eyecare division has also launched Titan Eye+ Dash Contest 2023 for kids under the age of 14 where kids can submit their entries in any format to showcase their talent like drawing, singing, dancing, magic amongst others. Participants can win fantastic prizes worth Rs. 1,00,000/ - and lucky winner will also get a chance to become the face of the brand. The contest commenced on 24th September 2023 and will last until 15th October 2023.